
- General Rules

  • Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!
  • Do not sell invites to the users.
  • We do not rename username or email.This is available only for Donors.
  • Disruptive behaviour in the forums will result in a warning. ( ).
    -  You will only get one warning! After that it's bye bye Kansas!.
  • If you have any question (it could be posted in a comment, on the forum, by a pm, etc), you should expand it with
       as much as you can, so we could help.
  • Do not share your TBDev account with nobody.If you share your account, you will be automatically .
  • Don't ask for invites by pm if the one you're private messaging is not giving away anything.
    -  There's a forum for asking invites, but you should first be a Psycho to see the Official Recruitments
        thread and Maniac to request invites/give invites.
    -  Users with 35 Votes, 35 Comments in Trackers section & 100 Posts in Forum, are auto-promoted to this rank.
  • Inactive accounts for about 90 days will be automatically disabled and they will only be activated for a donation of 20 euros. Script is ON

  • - Reguli Generale

  • Nu sfidati moderatorii.
  • Nu vindeti invitatii altor useri.
  • Nu redenumim numele de utilizator sau email-ul. Această optiune este disponibilă numai pentru cei care au Donat.
  • Comportamentul neadecvat pe forum va fi sanctionat cu un avertisment. ( ).
    -  O sa primesti doar un avertisment! Urmatoarea abatere poate duce la dezactivarea contului.
  • La orice întrebare in comentarii, PM, etc. incercati sa dati cat mai multe detalii ca sa putem sa va ajutam.
  • Nu distribuiti contul dvs nimanui. Dacă vă distribuiti contul, veti fi automat .
  • Nu cereti invitaiii in pm, dacă cel caruia ii trimiteti pm nu a postat in forum ca da invitatii.
  • Aveti forum unde puteti face cereri de invitatii, dar in primul rand trebuie sa ajungeti la clasa Psycho ca
        sa puteti vedea Official Recruitments si Maniac pentru a putea face request si pentru a putea oferi invitatii.
    -  Userii cu 35 voturi, 35 comentarii in rubrica Trackers si 100 Posturi pe Forum sunt auto-promovati la acest rang.
  • Conturile inactive pentru aproximativ 90 de zile vor fi dezactivate automat si vor fi activate decât pentru o donație de 20 de euro. Scriptul este ON

  • - Vote Rules

  • Voting a tracker with 2 without any comment will be deleted and will get you warned for 6 days.
  • Voting a tracker with 1 without any comment will be deleted and will get you disabled.
  • You must justify your rating. A comment like Best tracker, Good tracker, Nice tracker, Decent tracker, Bad tracker,
       This tracker sucks! might get you warned, even disabled.

  • Reguli Voturi

  • Voturile cu valoarea 2 care nu sunt justificate sunt sterse, iar user-ul primeste warn pe o perioada de 6 zile.
  • Voturile cu valoarea 1 care nu sunt justificate sunt sterse, iar user-ul primeste disable.
  • Trebuie să justificati ratingul. Un comentariu de genul: Cel mai bun, Bun tracker, Slabut tracker,
       Naspa tracker, Decent tracker, etc... riscati sa fiti avertizati () iar in cazuri exceptionale poate chiar dezactivati ().

  • - Comments Rules

  • Language allowed in comments: Romanian, English.
  • Do not post your email in the comments, will get you warned.
  • Don't request invites in comments, you have a special forum for this.
  • Keep your language decent. Insulting will automatically result in your account being permanently banned.
  • Comment contains spam will be deleted and you will be warned. Make sure you're not commenting just for using
       the keyboard (here it is included comments consisting of only two, three, four words).
  • Those who will continue to add a comment like: Best tracker, Good tracker, Decent tracker, Nice tracker,
       This tracker sucks! might get you warned, even disabled.
  • If you not respect the rules, you risk to losing your account or right to posting comments.

  • Reguli Comentarii

  • Limba permisă în comentarii: Româna, Engleza.
  • Nu postati emailul dvs in comentarii, veti primi warn.
  • Nu cereti invitatii in comentarii, aveti forum special pentru asta.
  • Pastrați un limbaj decent. Aducerea de injurii atrage automat sancționarea permanentă a contului dumneavoastră.
  • Comentariile ce conțin spam vor fi şterse iar dvs atenţionat. Asiguraţi-vă că nu comentaţi doar de dragul folosirii tastaturii
       (aici se includ comentariile formate doar din două, trei, patru cuvinte).
  • Cei ce vor continua sa alature votului un comentariu de genul: Cel mai bun, Bun tracker, Slabut tracker,
       Naspa tracker, Decent tracker! riscati sa fiti avertizati () iar in cazuri exceptionale poate chiar dezactivati ().
  • Dacă nu respectati regulile, riscati să pierdeti contul sau dreptul de a posta comentarii.

  • - Invite Request Rules

  • Only Maniac+ classes are able to ask for invites in the forums.
  • Every user has to make a new topic for each request.
  • Post in that topic what you need and if somebody is willing to give you the invite, he'll post there.
  • The name of the topic has to be: [REQ] Tracker name.
  • Invite exchanging is forbidden.
  • No accounts or share request.

  • Reguli Invite Request

  • Doar clasele Maniac+ pot să ceară invitatii în forum.
  • Fiecare user trebuie să facă un nou topic pentru fiecare request.
  • Postati în acel topic ceea ce aveti nevoie si dacă cineva doreste să vă dea invitatia, va posta acolo.
  • Numele topicului trebuie să fie: [REQ] Numele Trackerului.
  • Schimbul de invitatii este interzis.
  • Nu faceti request la conturi sau share.

  • - Forum Rules

  • No aggressive behaviour or flaming in the forums.
  • No trashing of other peoples topics (i.e. SPAM).
  • No language other than English or Romanian (International Section Only) in the forums.
  • No systematic foul language (and none at all on titles).
  • No links to warez or crack sites in the forums.
  • No requesting or posting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums.
  • No bumping... (All bumped threads will be deleted.)
  • No images larger than 1024px wide.
  • No double posting. If you wish to post again, and yours is the last post in the thread please use the EDIT function, instead of posting a double.
  • Please ensure all questions are posted in the correct section! (Game questions in the Games section, Apps questions in the Apps section, etc.)
  • Don't post your mail or messenger id on forums.
  • Do not use text bigger than normal.
  • Do not use colors too much.
  • Do not use Caps Lock too much.
  • Do not use smilies too much.
  • Do not spam the forums.

  • Reguli Forum

  • Fara comportament agresiv pe forum.
  • Nu distrugeti topic-urile altora (Spam, OffTopic).
  • Nu folositi alta limba in afara de romana si engleza pe forum.
  • Nu folositi limbaj vulgar pe forum (cu atat mai putin in titluri).
  • Fara link-uri de warez sau crack-uri in forum.
  • Nu cereti sau postati seriale, CD Key-uri, Parole sau Crack-uri in forum.
  • Fara certuri (Topic-urile cu certuri vor fi inchise).
  • Fara imagini mai mari de 1024px latime.
  • Fara dublu post. Daca vrei sa postezi din nou, si ultimul post este al tau, foloseste butonul edit.
  • Asigurati-va ca toate intrebarile sunt postate in sectiunea corecta.
  • Nu postati mail-ul sau id-ul de messenger pe forum.
  • Nu folositi text mai mare decat normal.
  • Nu folositi culori in mod excesiv.
  • Nu folositi Caps Lock in mod excesiv.
  • Nu folositi smile-uri in mod excesiv.
  • Nu faceti spam sau off-topic pe forum.

  • - Avatar Rules

  • The allowed formats are .gif, .jpg and .png..
  • Be considerate. Resize your images to a width of 150 px.
  • Browsers will rescale them anyway: smaller images will be expanded and will not look good.
        Larger images will just waste bandwidth and CPU cycles.
  • Do not use potentially offensive material involving porn, religious material, animal / human cruelty or ideologically charged images.
        Mods have wide discretion on what is acceptable. If in doubt PM one.

  • Reguli Avatar

  • Formatele suportate sunt ".gif", ".png", ".jpg".
  • Avatarele trebuie sa aiba o latime de 150px.
  • Browser-ele le vor redimensiona oricum: imaginile mai mici vor fi extinse si nu vor arăta bine. Imaginile mai mari vor
        pierde doar lărgimea de bandă si ciclurile procesorului.
  • Nu folositi avatare cu continut pornografic, religios,cruzime fata de animale/oameni.

  • Class Promotion
    PrisonerDefault rank on TopTBDev.
    PsychoUsers with 20 Votes, 20 Comments & 30 Forums Posts, are auto-promoted to this rank.
    ManiacUsers with 35 Votes, 35 Comments & 100 Forums Posts, are auto-promoted to this rank.
    KillerGo to donate page and do a generous donation!
    AssassinPeople from other trackers staff. PM the staff with a screen/link to your account.
    VeteranOld bastards who helped users and contributed to development this site.
    ButcherYou don't ask us, we'll ask you!
    HunterCan edit / delete any Tracker. Can also moderate member comments and disable accounts.
    ShooterCan do almost everything.
    MercenarOwns the Site.

    Class Benefits
    PrisonerDefault access.
    Psycho Have access to use the TopTBDev Store.
    Have access to Play BlackJack, Casino and Sports Betting.
    Have access to edit his own posts on Chat. Edit
    Can see members that visited the site during the last 24 hours on Home page.
    ManiacCan upload trackers and edit them.
    Have access to Users page.
    Have access to Top 10 page.
    Can add News from other trackers in News page.
    Have access to //Invite a friend!
    Have access to Official Invite Threads
    KillerHave the ability to hide your profile.
    Can change your Username / Email.
    Can change your Custom Title.
    Assassin Same privileges as Killer.

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