- General Rules
- You will only get one warning! After that it's bye bye Kansas!. - There's a forum for asking invites, but you should first be a Psycho to see the Official Recruitments thread and Maniac to request invites/give invites. - Users with 35 Votes, 35 Comments in Trackers section & 100 Posts in Forum, are auto-promoted to this rank. |
- Reguli Generale
- O sa primesti doar un avertisment! Urmatoarea abatere poate duce la dezactivarea contului. sa puteti vedea Official Recruitments si Maniac pentru a putea face request si pentru a putea oferi invitatii. - Userii cu 35 voturi, 35 comentarii in rubrica Trackers si 100 Posturi pe Forum sunt auto-promovati la acest rang. |
- Vote Rules
This tracker sucks! might get you warned, even disabled. |
Reguli Voturi
Naspa tracker, Decent tracker, etc... riscati sa fiti avertizati () iar in cazuri exceptionale poate chiar dezactivati (). |
- Comments Rules
the keyboard (here it is included comments consisting of only two, three, four words). This tracker sucks! might get you warned, even disabled. |
Reguli Comentarii
(aici se includ comentariile formate doar din două, trei, patru cuvinte). Naspa tracker, Decent tracker! riscati sa fiti avertizati () iar in cazuri exceptionale poate chiar dezactivati (). |
- Invite Request Rules
Reguli Invite Request
- Forum Rules
instead of posting a double. Apps questions in the Apps section, etc.) |
Reguli Forum
- Avatar Rules
Larger images will just waste bandwidth and CPU cycles. Mods have wide discretion on what is acceptable. If in doubt PM one. |
Reguli Avatar
pierde doar lărgimea de bandă si ciclurile procesorului. |